Orthodontists in Saint Genis Pouilly - Dental and orthodontic center


34 Rue du mont blanc 01630 Saint Genis Pouilly

Orthodontists in Saint Genis Pouilly - Dental and orthodontic center


34 Rue du mont blanc 01630 Saint Genis Pouilly

Exceptional Dentists and Orthodontists in Saint Genis Pouilly Located at 34 Rue du Mont Blanc in Saint Genis Pouilly (01630) a stone's throw from Geneva and CERN, the dentists of the dental and orthodontic center of Saint Genis Pouilly welcome you in a modern and friendly for your exceptional dental care at affordable prices.
Opened in the spring of 2023, the Saint Genis Pouilly Dental and Orthodontic Center practices all the dental disciplines of modern dentistry. Do not hesitate to contact us or make an appointment online.


Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that focuses on correcting dental and jaw problems, such as misaligned teeth, shifted jaws, and malocclusions. Our orthodontists in Saint Genis Pouilly use appliances such as aligners, traction appliances and fixed appliances to correct dental problems. Orthodontics can improve a person's oral health, jaw function, and appearance. Orthodontic treatments can be recommended at any age, ranging from children through adolescence to adulthood. The orthodontists at the Saint Genis Pouilly Dental Center work closely with our other dentists to provide comprehensive care to our patients.


An orthodontist is a dentist specially trained to diagnose and correct dental and jaw problems such as misaligned teeth, shifted jaws and malocclusions. They may also perform orthodontic surgeries to treat severe cases. Whatever your age, if you have dental problems that affect your oral health or your appearance,  do not hesitate to consult one of our Orthodontists in Saint Genis en Pouilly.


Orthodontics for children

A children's orthodontist is a dentist specially trained to diagnose and treat dental problems in children and adolescents. Pediatric orthodontics can include the use of devices such as traction appliances, aligners, and fixed braces to correct problems such as misaligned teeth, shifted jaws, and malocclusions. It is important to see a children's orthodontist at an early age to assess dental and orthodontic needs. This can help prevent future problems and ensure a healthy, functional smile for life. Our orthodontists in Saint Genis Pouilly will be able to give you a detailed orthodontic estimate and will offer you the solution adapted to the orthodontic problem of your children or teenagers.

Orthodontics for adults

Adult orthodontics is a dental treatment that aims to correct dental and jaw problems in people aged 18 and over. Adults can suffer from dental issues such as misaligned teeth, misaligned jaws, and malocclusions, which can affect their oral health, jaw function, and appearance. The orthodontists of the Saint Genis Pouilly Dental and Orthodontic Centerwill generally offer dental appliances such as invisible aligners, or sometimes fixed orthodontic appliances to correct dental problems in adults. There are more treatment options than ever before, providing adults with aesthetic and discreet solutions to improve their smile. It's never too late to correct dental problems and improve your oral health. Do not hesitate to consult our orthodontists in Saint-Genis-Pouilly to find out which orthodontic solution is the most suitable.


Invisible aligner orthodontics

The orthodontists at our Saint Genis Pouilly dental clinic can offer you invisible aligners to correct dental problems such as misaligned teeth or shifted jaws. Invisible aligners can provide an aesthetic option for patients who wish to correct their smile without wearing a visible device.

Unlike traditional orthodontic solutions, they are made from a transparent material which makes them almost invisible. They can be used to correct bite problems, tooth position and malocclusion.

Advantages of invisible orthodontic aligners:

  • Aesthetics: They are almost invisible, which makes them more attractive to adults who do not want to wear visible braces.
  • Comfort: The aligners are custom made to perfectly fit the shape of your teeth, making them more comfortable to wear.
  • Convenient: The trays are easy to remove for food and brushing teeth, making them more convenient to use.
  • Effective Correction: Invisible orthodontic aligners can correct bite, tooth position and malocclusion problems effectively.
  • Less invasive alternative: They can be a less invasive alternative to traditional orthodontic treatments, such as fixed appliances, braces and irons.

It is important to note that invisible orthodontic aligners are not suitable for all orthodontic situations and that a consultation in Saint Genis Pouilly with one of our orthodontists is necessary to determine if they are the right choice for you.

Orthodontic bands

Orthodontic brackets are a dental corrective device used to treat teeth positioning and bite problems. They are attached to the teeth with a stainless steel or ceramic ligature and can be used to correct problems with the alignment, growth and position of the teeth. Braces are usually worn for several years, depending on the severity of the dental problem and orthodontic treatment goals. It is important to consult one of  our orthodontists in Saint Genis Pouilly to determine if orthodontic bands are the right choice for you.

Removable braces for children

There are several types of removable braces for children, such as:

  • Dental splints: These are soft plastic appliances that adapt perfectly to the child's teeth and are used to correct malocclusions, bad chewing and breathing habits.
  • Hook Braces: These are metal appliances that attach to the teeth and can be used to correct malpositioned teeth.
  • Expanding braces: These are braces that adapt to the child's jaw to make it grow in a controlled way and to correct facial deformities.
  • Lingual braces: These are plastic appliances that are designed to correct tongue-palate-lip problems, such as thumb sucking or mouth yawning.
  • Overnight braces: These are soft plastic appliances that are worn overnight to correct jaw growth issues and malocclusions.

All of these braces are designed to be easily removable, which makes them very convenient for children to remove them easily for eating, drinking or brushing their teeth. It is important to consult one of the  orthodontists at the Center Dentaire et d'Orthodontie Saint-Genis-Pouilly to determine the best removable dental appliance for your child.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why you may choose to be treated by our dentists at 34 Rue du Mont Blanc in Saint Genis Pouilly:
Complete dental care: The Saint Genis Pouilly dental and orthodontic center offers a full range of dental care, including scaling, panoramic x-rays, 3D scanners, caries care, dental extractions, dental dental implants, crowns, bridges, dentures and orthodontic treatments.
Our dentists in Saint Genis Pouilly can also offer you specialized treatments such as cosmetic dentistry and dental surgery. Comfort and convenience: The dental and orthodontic center offers you a comfortable and convenient environment, we have state-of-the-art equipment and experienced staff (dentists, dental assistants, medical secretaries) to provide quality care.
Savings: The Saint-Genis-Pouilly dental and orthodontic center will save you money on your dental care compared to traditional dental offices. We practice third-party payment and are affiliated with the main French mutual insurance companies in order to help you obtain the quality dental care you need at an affordable cost.
Superior quality care: Our dental center is equipped with the latest dental technologies: Fingerprints, panoramic X-rays, 3D scanners, allowing us to offer superior quality care to our patients.
By choosing the Saint-Genis-Pouilly dental and orthodontic center, you can be assured of receiving comprehensive, high-quality dental care in a comfortable and convenient environment, and at an affordable cost.